Foley for the movie “If You Should Leave Before Me” Using Barbie knees for knuckles cracking 😂 #reelfoleysound #foley #foleyartist #asmrfoley #foleyknuklescrack #postproduction #lovemyjob #bts #audio #sound #barbieknees @iyslbm@boydrobertanderson
#ad Surprise! Bacon is rain in movies. Had a blast cooking up some delicious rain with bacon from Greenfield Natural Meat Co. They're a proudly carbon neutral meat brand and have created a library of sizzling rain sounds available for your next project at ( Every download is a donation to plant trees to hel p fight climate change. #BaconisRain @Greenfield Natural Meat Co. US
It’s a real job! Looks ridiculously fun and silly! It’s a real job and has been mine for 29 years 🤩 I am very lucky #reelfoleysound #foley #foleyartist #importantjob #ridiculousjob #postproduction #lovemyjob #bts #audio #sound #luckyjob
Foley is such a fun job! Dance like a flamingo 😂 #Reelfoleysound #foley #foleyartist #foleydance #heels #postproduction #lovemyjob #bts #audio #sound #danceheels #greatjob
Who will be watching this film? Congratulations to the amazing team behind Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin! It was an honor to craft the Foley for such a powerful and gripping story. Mixed on Stage 6 at Warner Bros., this cinematic masterpiece deserves to be experienced on the big screen. Now playing in select theaters! A heartfelt thank you to Kevin and Blu Murray for trusting us at @reelfoleysound to help bring this incredible project to life. Thank you to my friend Clay Weber and to Warner Bros Post Production Creative Services @Bonhoeffer Film @Angel Studios @Angel Studios en Español
Used bacon to create the sound of rain in movies. Had a blast cooking up some delicious rain with bacon from Greenfield Natural Meat Co. #deliciousbacon #BaconisRain #foleyrain #rain #reelfoleysound #foley #foleyartist #bacon #soundwithfood #postproduction #lovemyjob #bts #audio #sound @Greenfield Natural Meat Co. US