My hilarious friends Nate and Landon took on Henry Winkler in my game, “Are You Smarter Than Two Kid Geography Experts?" Want more exclusive throwbacks? Find clips you won’t see here—only on my Instagram!
These childhood videos prove @Beyoncé was always a star. Congrats on your Album of the Year #Grammys win! #theellenshow #beyonce #grammy #grammy2025 #throwback
We’re celebrating #ValentinesDay with a good old round of who’d you rather with Hannah Waddingham #theellenshow #hannahwaddingham #tedlasso #whodyourather #game #flashbackfriday
What better way to celebrate #PresidentsDay than by looking back at my favorite presidential expert, Macey, during her first appearance on the show? #theellenshow #maceyhensley #presidentialexpert #kidexpert #throwback