photo ranking the men from mafs (pyramid edition) #mafs this is only based on looks and not what is transpiring onscreen. #marriedatfirstsight #grooms #heyboys
🇺🇸 to my followers over at the US…thank you. thank you for giving me this platform over the last 5 years. i could have never imagined how much it would change my life because of all of you. although tiktok will still be available where I am (Australia) I will miss you all and all the tiktok freinds I have made throughout the years over there. if you’d like to keep in contact add me on insta to see all my future updates and content 💕 @ cocodevile #goodbye #america #usa #thankyou
seeing my mum for the first time since my surgeries @heidimontag “put on a happy face” episode 1 of season 6, the hills #thehills #heidimontag #surgery #plasticsurgery #spencerpratt #2000s #realityshow #drama