I was raised by two of the most selfless people I’ve ever known. Every choice they made had us in mind and they went above and beyond to make sure that we were able to do or try ANYTHING our adventurous little kid hearts desired, no matter what it required on their end. When my brother passed away it was a huge loss for all of us but losing and sibling and losing a child are two very different things. When I became a mom, particularly to a son, my admiration for how they chose to move forward after losing him with all the same hope, joy, and endless unconditional love that was there before their hearts were so deeply broken grew exponentially. While no words or material thing could ever truly be enough to thank them, to be able to bless them in this way is a dream come true that still doesn’t feel real, not to mention one of the most fun things we’ve ever done! Thank you Grammy and Pops (as they are henceforth known 😉) for all you do for us and Shelton. We love you! #micahandsarah