Drugs are bad!! End of story!! If you are on gabapentin like I was, the side effects are horrendous and far outweigh the benefits. It was an experimental drug and it has effects on nerves- so they just give to amputees and say it’s supposed to help. It’s poison!!!! #limblossboss #dreamteamprosthetics #myleglesslife #gabapenton #lyrica #painmeds #amputee #phantompain
Replying to @anthonyriffey How bout that song to a Tiny Cowboy Compilation 🤣 #limblossboss #dreamteamprosthetics #myleglesslife #tinycowboy #lol #comedy #funny #amputee #shortking #humor
This trend though 🥺🥺 If I could meet my younger self, I would probably have a lot of questions. I might even be standoffish and awkward, the man I am today is greatly different then I ever imagined I would be. I am calm, I am sober, I am seeking peace and just trying to be content. Younger me wanted big expensive things- cover whatever payment you can afford- stay out late and drink poison with friends and be wild. Talk loud and move fast. I never saw myself wanting to slow down. Today I would give anything for an uninterrupted hour in the rocking chair on the porch. My accident causing me to loose both legs combined with my alcoholism recovery seems to have made me grow old in a sense prematurely but at the same time I have found financial stability, a greater joy in the little things and an overall self awareness that besides posting content I mostly just keep to myself. It’s generally peaceful besides screaming children but that chaos is temporary. If I could meet my younger self, I would offer a big hug and just tell that young man- always try and do good, always try to be good, and always look for the good in other people. The rest will fall into place if you stay on the right path. -Limb Loss Boss #limblossboss #dreamteamprosthetics #myleglesslife #youngest