Replying to @Volunteer Encounter missing her already, but so so proud of Miss Isla’s incredible recovery ❤️🩹🐢#marineconservation #wildliferehab #seaturtles #turtleconservation #turtle #oceanlover #marinebiology
It’s ED awareness week, and I don’t think about my eating disorder anymore. Genuinely, I don’t 😌 and that is something I know any version of myself ranging from 2-9 years ago is laughing in my face about - a false hope, and a cruel one at that. I’ll be 24 this year (in 2 months almost to the day), and that marks 10 years since the age I was diagnosed with anorexia - an illness that almost took my life a couple times, and left a near-decade of destruction in its wake. When it comes to my experience with eating disorders, I could write *at least* a couple novels documenting the hellride of a rollercoaster I went on, but I won’t… because the only true one thing I wish to tell anyone who has a fractured relationship with their body is this: there will always be hope 🌞🦋✨ Can’t believe I’m quoting Dumbledore (RIP legend), but it’s true ‘Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light‘ ⚡️ Obviously, recovering from an ED isn’t as easy as turning on a light switch (imagine 🫠), it’s truly one of the most gut-wrenching, soul destroying things you’ll go through: battling your brain every single day without breath; without break. However, every single person I’ve met who’s wrangled with the beast and won holds a font of fortitude, strength to make a match of Atlas and a plethora of wisdom beyond their years 🌏 The point I’m was trying to make with this bloody essay (soz) supplemented by Dumbledore’s age-old wisdom, is that: even in the darkest, lowest days; no matter how long it’s been; no matter what people have said to you… you’ve still got hope - you’ve still got a chance. You are entirely capable of turning your life around and making something entirely magical yet 💛 From me, to you: the plains of Africa have yet to take your breath away 🦒; you have yet to dance with the GBR’s myriad of iridescent fish 🐠; and there are a whole host of people who can’t wait to share their table with you (trust me)🥹 #edaw #MentalHealthAwareness #recoveryispossible #selfworth #bodypositivity #bodyneutrality